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Website https://qtec.eventsair.com/fnps/
Abstract submission deadline: 3rd July 2023
Early bird registration closing date (limited availability): 1st June 2023
REGISTRATION https://qtec.eventsair.com/fnps/registration/Site/Register
Registration closing date: 16th August 2023
FULL BROCHURE .pdf download
We encourage submissions from researchers of any discipline and level of their career, covering any aspect of pregnancy, fetal and neonatal physiology and development. There will also be several prizes available for students and early career researchers.
Accommodation: FNPS has secured special rates at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. We recommend you book your accommodation as soon as possible as it is a busy time of year in Queenstown. Please complete this booking form and email it to Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Prizes and Awards
At every meeting, the following prizes are awarded:
Two FNPS prizes for PhD students, for best oral and best poster presentation. These will be funded from the conference budget. I previous years, these wards have ranged from $US100 to 1000.
The Tania Gunn prize administered by Professors Laura Bennet and Alistair Gunn funds two prizes at $US 500 each: one prize for student oral communication and one prize for post-doctoral fellow oral communication (36months from graduation as PhD or MD).
The Bo Gennser poster prize for a PhD student. Professor Jan Nijhuis administers this fund.
Organising committee
Professor Laura Bennet
Professor Alistair Gunn
Associate Professor Joanne Davidson
Associate Professor Justin Dean
Dr Christopher Lear
Dr Guido Wassink
Dr Simerdeep Dhillon
Dr Kelly Zhou
Abstract books