MedST 1B Head & Neck Anatomy is the core anatomy course for second-year medical students. Course information is provided on the course Moodle website. If you cannot see it, it may be that you are not enrolled as a supervisor: please contact and ask to be put on the list and for Moodle access.
The Part IB HNA (Head and Neck Anatomy) course will be taught in the Michaelmas Term only through prosections, lectures and applied anatomy sessions. Learning resources are available via the course Moodle website. College supervisors can be provided with access to these resources on request.
The first-year anatomy course is MedST 1A Functional Architecture of the Body.
Information for supervisors about this course including tips about supervising generally and about teaching on this particular course is now on our new Moodle site for supervisors. Please ask to enrol you on this.