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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


This information is intended for those supervising courses based in the Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience.


Please make sure that you are registered with us! We maintain a list of supervisors for courses based in PDN. If you are interested in supervising one of our courses, or if you are a DoS looking for a supervisor, please contact teaching-support[at] If you no longer wish to supervise our courses, please let us know so that we can remove you from the list.


Are you a new supervisor, or someone who would like to supervise? 

Prof. Matt Mason has created a Moodle site for supervisors of PDN subjects. It contains introductory information about supervisions for those new to Cambridge, suggestions on what makes a good supervision, sample essays with marking plans and a recording of a real supervision, with commentary. This is a new resource for all those who are new to supervising. To become enrolled, please contact teaching-support[at]


Important notes for the present academic year (2024-5)

1. We have moved all our part 1A and part 1B supervisor-specific information to our new Moodle site for supervisors of PDN subjects at 1A and 1B levels. Please make sure you are registered by emailing teaching-support[at] and you'll find both general and subject-specific guidance there.

2. Courses in the coming academic year will all be run "live". However, lecture video recordings will be put on Moodle after the event in most cases. See individual course Moodle sites for more information.

3. Our course guides and lecture notes are to be found on Moodle, our web-based "virtual learning environment". This year's Moodle site may contain last year's material for some courses, until this is updated for the current academic year. If it does not but you wish to see the material in advance, you will have to contact the relevant lecturer. Please contact teaching-support[at] if you find that you do not have access to any of these websites.

4. The Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience maintains its decision that printed handouts will no longer be given out in any of its courses, in any part of any Tripos. Lecture and practical notes will still be available on the course websites, however.

Please follow the link below if you are a part II supervisor:

Those supervising or studying physiology might be interested in joining the Physiological Society, which also offers grants for undergraduate summer projects. For anatomy, the Anatomical Society and the British Association of Clinical Anatomists provide a number of grants and awards for research projects and other activities such as public engagement.

Please contact Prof. Matt Mason (mjm68[at] if you have any questions about supervising PDN courses which are not addressed here, or if you have any suggestions for other things that you would like to see on this website.