Details of the recent and upcoming public activities of the Human Anatomy Teaching Group
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Conferences hosted
Hosted events:
The Summer Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
Tuesday 26th June 2018, Cripps Court, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge. There was an association dinner, and meetings of the Trustees and Council of BACA, as well as the society AGM. The Plenaries were given by Professor David Riches, on the History of Anatomy Teaching at Cambridge, and by Professor Manohar Bance, on How Anatomy Shapes Cochlear Implant Function.
The Summer Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
Tuesday 26th June 2018, Cripps Court, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge (register here). Institute of Anatomical Sciences
Our Group hosted the Spring Scientific Meeting of the Institute of Anatomical Sciences on 10-11 April 2017 at Magdalene College, Cambridge (programme). The was a tour of the Pepys Library, including the opportunity to view Pepys's anatomical books. The gala dinner was hosted at the 16th-century Hall at Magdalene College, originally the monastic refectory. There was also a demonstration of new 3D imaging technology used to teach neuroanatomy. Key speakers included Dr Stephen Barclay, Dr Cecilia Brassett, Ms Emily Evans, Mr Chris Kassam, Dr Jamie MacKay, Dr Matthew Mason, Dr Tom Turmezei, Emeritus Professor David Riches, and Mr Bob Whitaker. Current Part II students at the Department of PDN also presented their research, on which please see our page on NST Part II PDN Anatomy Projects. For more information, please see the following link
The Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
Members of our Group worked together to host the Anatomical Society Winter Meeting from 14-16 December 2015 which was held at Magdalene College, Cambridge.
The theme of the meeting was the past, present and future of the pursuit of anatomical knowledge. The choice of Cambridge as the venue was prompted by two important landmarks: 2015 was the 450th anniversary of the first dissections at Gonville Hall in 1565, and 2016 marks the 300th anniversary of the opening of the first Anatomy School in Queens' Lane.
Key speakers included Professor Susan Standring, Mr Francis Wells and Mr Mick O'Dea. The conference was attended by over 100 delegates, and topics covered ranged from the continuing relevance of Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical drawings to recent advances in medical imaging.
Conferences attended
Members of our group submitted and gave oral and poster presentations at the following conferences:
British Association of Clinical Anatomists Virtual Meeting 2021
8 September 2021. Both oral and poster presentations were made by Part II students and junior anatomy demonstrators. The Conrad Lewin Prize (Oral) was awarded to Firnaaz Mohideen for his talk on Morphological analysis of the ileocaecal junction and associated clinical implications. The Conrad Lewin Prize (Poster) was awarded to Dr Peter Fletcher for his poster on Clinical implications of a persistent left superior vena cava: a unique case with medical imaging and cadaveric dissection. The President's Prize was awared to Daniel Maghsoudi for his presentation on Are there common intraosseous patterns of vascularity in the knee?
Anatomical Society Virtual Summer Meeting 2021
7-9 July 2021, hosted by University of Glasgow. Dr Chloe Swords gave an oral presentation based on her ongoing PhD work at the Human Anatomy Centre and was awarded Runner-up Prize for her oral presentation entitled Creation of patient-specific 3D-printed model of the human cochlea to evaluate the electrical characteristics of cochlear implants: validation study of normal and inner ear malformations.
British Association of Clinical Anatomists Virtual Meeting 2020
9 September 2020. Oral presentations were made by Part II students and junior anatomy demonstrators. Anthony Lim was awarded the Conrad Lewin Prize for his talk entitled Studying tibial weight bearing before and after a fibular osteotomy in cadaveric specimens.
Anatomical Society Winter Meeting 2019
18-20 December 2019, University of Lancaster. Both oral and poster presentations were made by Part II students and junior anatomy demonstrators.
British Association of Clinical Anatomists Winter Scientific Meeting 2019
17 December 2019, Newcastle University. Both oral and poster presentations were made by Part II students and junior anatomy demonstrators. Tabitha Brough and Katie James were awarded the Conrad Lewin Prize for their joint talk on the importance of the anatomical relationship between latissimus dorsi and the inferior scapular angle in shoulder rehabilitation. Their abstract can be found here:
British Association of Clinical Anatomists Summer Scientific Meeting 2019
2 July 2019, University of Central Lancashire. A number of presentations were made by our Junior Anatomy Demonstrators
The Winter Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
13 December 2018, Northumbria University. Presentations were made by Part II Students and Junior Anatomy Demonstrators. Jonathan Chu (DOW, pictured, far left) was the Conrad Lewin Prize winner, for the best oral presentation by a young researcher.
Pictured left to right, top row: Jonathan Chu (DOW), Dr Cecilia Brassett, Dr Sarah Ellis, Dr Jonathan Grounds, Dr Mehdi Al-Uzri, Jenny Wilkins (TH), Dr Luxi Sun, Dr Oliver Siaw.
The Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
17-19 December 2018, University of York. Presentations were made by Part II students, Junior Anatomy Demonstrators and Dr Annja Neumann, Research Associate: Schnitzler Digital Edition Project; Affiliate Lecturer at the Department of German and Dutch, Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages. Patrick Warren (EM) was the winner of the Young Investigator Prize. There was a poster presentation by our Anatomical Society Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholar, Daniel Oluboyede (DOW).
The Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
18-20 Dec 2017, University of Dundee. There were four oral presentations and four poster presentations by the HATG (click here for abstracts).
The Winter Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
14 Dec 2017, Queens Hospital, Burton upon Trent. There were five oral presentations and one poster presentations by the HATG (click here for abstracts).
The Anatomical Society Summer Meeting
27-29 June 2017, National University of Ireland Galway (click here for poster abstracts)
Joint meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists and European Association of Clinical Anatomy
4-7 July 2017, University of Warwick (click here for poster abstract).
The 7th Annual Meeting of the Alcock Society
22 April 2017, Gordon Museum, Guy’s Hospital, London (click here for poster).
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see abstracts on our Research pages (under Junior Anatomy Demonstrators).
The Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
19-21 December 2016, Guy's Campus, King's College London
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see our Research page (under Clinical Students, Part II Projects, Junior Anatomy Demonstrators)
The Winter Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
15 December 2016, Leeds Institute of Medical Education, University of Leeds
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see our Research page (under Clinical Students, Part II Projects, Junior Anatomy Demonstrators)
Joint meeting of the Anatomical Society and British Association of Clinical Anatomists
19-21 July 2016, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex (click here for poster).
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see our Research page (under Junior Anatomy Demonstrators)
The Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
14-16 December 2015, Magdalene College, Cambridge (see above)
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see abstracts on our Research pages (under Part II Projects, Junior Anatomy Demonstrators, and Other Collaborations)
The Winter Scientific Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
10 December 2015, Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education (Anatomy), St George’s, University of London, London.
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see abstracts on our Research pages (under Clinical Students and Junior Anatomy Demonstrators).
For more information on BACA, please follow this link
The 6th Annual Meeting of the Alcock Society
31 October 2015, Gordon Museum, Guy’s Hospital, London (click here for poster).
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see abstracts on our Research pages (under Junior Anatomy Demonstrators).
Anatomical Society Winter Meeting
16-18 December 2013, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne
For more information on presentations at this meeting, please see our Research page (under Junior Anatomy Demonstrators)
Educational activities
Visit to the SOMSO Museum and SOMSO Factory
22-24 June 2016, Coburg and Sonneburg, Thuringia, Germany
For the SOMSO museum, click here, for the SOMSO factory click here
This visit was organised by the Institute of Anatomical Sciences. We were hosted by the Sommer family, who opened the SOMSO museum in 2001 to celebrate the company’s 125th anniversary. The museum comprises numerous collections of SOMSO models. We were also able to see at first hand the meticulous care that goes into the production of anatomical models.
Queen’s University, Belfast
16 May 2016, Cecilia Brassett was the invited speaker for an Anatomical Society Departmental Seminar Grants Award granted to Dr Eiman Abdel Meguid, Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences
For the seminar flyer please click here. For a summary of the talk, please click here. For medicine and anatomy at Queen’s University Belfast, please click here
Faculty Member at the Anatomy Course of the British Association of Urological Surgeons
18 June 2015, Faculty of Life Sciences, Stopford Building, University of Manchester
On anatomy at University of Manchester, please click here