MedST 1A Functional Architecture of the Body is the core anatomy course for first-year medical students. Course information is provided on the course Moodle website. If you cannot see it, it may be that you are not enrolled as a supervisor: please contact and ask to be put on the list and for Moodle access.
Topographical anatomy is taught across two years. The Part IA FAB (Functional Architecture of the Body) course in the first year covers the trunk (thorax, abdomen, pelvis), upper and lower limbs. This is taught mainly through cadaveric dissection and the study of prosected specimens, supplemented by lectures, applied anatomy sessions and clinical demonstrations. Learning resources may be found on the course Moodle site. College supervisors can be provided with access to these resources on request.
The second-year anatomy course is MedST 1B Head and Neck Anatomy.
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