My work focuses on designing and implementing microscopy image analysis solutions.
The revolution brought into the field of light microscopy by the discovery of the green fluorescent protein and the advent of coupled charged devices enabled the move toward a more systematic and quantitative analysis of microscopy images. The fast evolving fields of image processing and computer vision allow us to mine the data at an unprecedented level. In my work, I focus on well-grounded statistical and variational methods for image analysis. I work in a responsive collaborative mode but also investigate two areas related to nanoscopy and light sheet image analysis (both imaging techniques supported in Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre)
- Nanoscopy image analysis: single molecule localisation microscopy allows imaging at tens of nanometer resolution. In order to extract relevant information, I apply computer vision and spatial statistics approaches to the resulting 2D or 3D point datasets.
- Light sheet image analysis: this gentle method based on parsimonious sample illumination allows imaging for long periods of time, resulting in large data sets that need to be analysed with minimal human interaction. Besides typical tasks such as segmentation and tracking, I am interested in rapid multi-view image reconstruction (fusion) and restauration based on spatially varyiant deblurring adapted to the specific light sheet image formation model.
Cisse, Ibrahim I; Izeddin, Ignacio; Causse, Sebastien Z; Boudarene, Lydia; Senecal, Adrien; Muresan, Leila; Dugast-Darzacq, Claire; Hajj, Bassam; Dahan, Maxime; Darzacq, Xavier; Real-time dynamics of RNA polymerase II clustering in live human cells, Science, 341, 6146, 664-667, 2013
Galli, Elisa; Poidevin, Mickaël; Le Bars, Romain; Desfontaines, Jean-Michel; Muresan, Leila; Paly, Evelyne; Yamaichi, Yoshiharu; Barre, François-Xavier; Cell division licensing in the multi-chromosomal Vibrio cholerae bacterium , Nature microbiology, 1, 9, 2016
Davis, Felicity M; Lloyd-Lewis, Bethan; Harris, Olivia B; Kozar, Sarah; Winton, Douglas J; Muresan, Leila; Watson, Christine J; Single-cell lineage tracing in the mammary gland reveals stochastic clonal dispersion of stem/progenitor cell progeny, Nature communications, 7, 1, 2016
Gomez-Lamarca, Maria J; Falo-Sanjuan, Julia; Stojnic, Robert; Rehman, Sohaib Abdul; Muresan, Leila; Jones, …; Bray Sarah; Activation of the Notch signaling pathway in vivo elicits changes in CSL nuclear dynamics, Developmental cell, 44, 5, 611-623, 2018
Lye, Claire M; Blanchard, Guy B; Naylor, Huw W; Muresan, Leila; Huisken, Jan; Adams, Richard J; Sanson, Bénédicte; Mechanical coupling between endoderm invagination and axis extension in Drosophila, PLoS Biol, 13, 11, 2015
Hwang, Ming‐Shih; Boulanger, Jérôme; Howe, Jonathan D; Albecka, Anna; Pasche, Mathias; Mureşan, Leila; Modis, Yorgo; MAVS polymers smaller than 80 nm induce mitochondrial membrane remodeling and interferon signalling, The FEBS journal, 286, 8, 1543-1560, 20