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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


The PDN Foster talks is a seminar series that involves high profile internal and external speakers, who are experts in fields relevant to research interests in the Department.

We welcome people from the wider scientific community of Cambridge University as well as from within the Department to join us for these seminars. The talks are aimed for a broad audience, from all career stages, undergraduates to PIs.

This seminar series also provides an invaluable opportunity for staff and students to discuss with the guest speaker both before and after the talk, and often helps to foster collaborations.

Talks will be hosted at 4pm in the Hodgkin-Huxley Seminar Room. All talks will be followed by Q&A.



Date Speaker Hosted by


Event Archive

Date Speaker Hosted by
6 June 2024

Colleen Deane, University of Southampton

Identifying mechanisms of, and countermeasures to, muscle decline in aging

Andrew Murray
23 May 2024

Stefanie Wculek, IRB (Biomedical Research Institute, Barcelona)

How innate immune cells adapt to environment and function: diverse tales of mitochondria

Albert Cardona and Milka Sarris
9 May 2024

Shankar Srinivas, Oxford University

Behavioural and mechanical heterogeneitis underpin cell migration essential for mouse anterior patterning

Kathy Niakan
25 April 2024

Laura Machesky, Dept of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge

Eating and walking - how cells manage their energy budget during migration and invasion

Ewa Paluch
14 March

Miguel Torres, Spanish National Centre for Cardiovascular Research

Epigenetic priming of embryonic cell lineages in the mammalian epiblast

Alberto Rosello-Diaz
29 February 2024

Susan Ozanne, MRC, University of Cambridge

Nutritional programming by maternal over-nutrition: A developing obesity crisis.

Students & Postdocs, Cindy Xin Wen Zhang
15 February 2024

Hiroki Ueda, University of Tokyo. RIKEN BDR

Towards human systems biology of sleep/ wake cycles: Phosphorylation hypothesis of sleep

Keita Tamura and Christian Wood
18 January 2024

Buzz Baum, MRC LMB, Cambridge

Our archael ancestry: Cell division from archaea to eukaryotes

Ewa Paluch
7 December 2023 Emma Rawlins, PDN, University of Cambridge  
23 November 2023 Keita Tamura, PDN, University of Cambridge   
9 November 2023

Alberto Rosello-Diez

Going out on a limb to study mechanisms controlling organ size and proportions

Courtney Hanna & 
Ann Cloos