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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


Published Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts

Salazar Petres E and Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Pregnancy-induced changes in β-cell function: who are the key players? In press J Physiology (JP-TR-2020-281082).


Rodgers A and Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Developmental programming of offspring adipose tissue biology and obesity risk. In press Int J Obesity (2020IJO01616-PR).


Yao S, Lopez-Tello J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Developmental programming of the female reproductive system - a review. In press Biology of Reproduction (ID: BIOLRE-2020-0518).


Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Placental mitochondria central to GDM pathogenesis? In press Journal of Physiology (ID: JP-P-2020-281041).


Lu and Sferruzzi-Perri. Placental mitochondrial function in response to gestational exposures. In press Placenta (ID: YPLAC_4313)


Colson A, Sonveaux P, Debiève F, Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Adaptations of the human placenta to hypoxia: opportunities for interventions in fetal growth restriction. In press Human Reproduction Update (ID: HRU-20-0050).


Lopez-Tello J and Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2021) Fused placentas: Till birth do us part. Placenta 103: 177-9.


Napso T, Zhao X, Ibañez Lligoña M, Sandovici I, Kay RG, Gribble FM, Reimann F, Meek CL, Hamilton RS, Sferruzzi-Perri AN. Unbiased placental secretome characterization identifies candidates for pregnancy complications. Available on Bioarchive 


Zhang Y, Hu M, Jia W, Liu G, Zhang J, Wang B, Li J, Cui P, Li X, Lager S, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Han Y, Liu S, Wu X, Brännström M, Linus Shao L, Billig H (2020) Hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance modulate gravid uterine and placental ferroptosis in PCOS-like rats. Journal of Endocrino​logy 246:247-263.


Christoforou ER and Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2020) Invited review: Molecular mechanisms governing offspring metabolic programming in rodent models of in utero stress. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77:4861-4898.


Fowden AL, Camm EJ, Sferruzzi-Perri (2020) Invited review: Placental consequences of maternal obesity. Current Vascular Pharmacology In press BMS-CVP-2019-HT11-953-1.


Aykroyd BRL, Tunster ST, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2020) Igf2 deletion alters mouse placenta endocrine capacity in a sexually-dimorphic manner. Journal of Endocrinology 246:93-108.


De Clercq K*, Lopez-Tello J, Vriens J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2020) Double-label immunohistochemistry to assess labyrinth structure of the mouse placenta with stereology. Placenta 94:44-47. * Contributed equally. 


Kaitu’u-Lino TJ, MacDonald TM, Cannon P, Nguyen TV, Hiscock RJ, Haan N, Hastie R, Dane KM, Middleton AL, Bittar I, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Pritchard N, Harper A, Hannan AJ, Kyritsis V, Crinis N, HuiL, Walker SP, Tong S (2020) Circulating SPINT1 is a marker of placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction. Nature Comms 11(1):2411. 


Napso T, Hung Y-P, Davidge S, Care A, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2019) Advanced maternal age compromises fetal growth and induces sex-specific changes in placental phenotype in rats. Scientific Reports 9(1):16916. 


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, López-Tello J, Napso T, Yong HE. Invited review: Exploring the causes and consequences of maternal metabolic maladaptations during pregnancy. In press Placenta. 


López-Tello J, Arias-Álvarez M, González-Bulnes A, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2019) Rabbit models for studying intrauterine growth restriction and fetal programming. Molecular Reproduction & Development 86(12):1781-1809.


Musial B, Fernandez-Twinn, Duque-Guimaraes D, Carr SK, Fowden AL, Ozanne SE*, Sferruzzi-Perri AN* (2019) Exercise alters the molecular pathways of insulin signalling and lipid handling in maternal tissues of obese pregnant mice. Physiological Reports 7(16):e14202.


Lopez-Tello J, Perez-Garcia V, Khaira J, Kusinski L, Andreani, A, Grant I, Fernandez De Liger E, Cooper W, Hemberger M, Sandovici I, Constancia M, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2019)  Interplay between fetal and trophoblast phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) p110α signalling modifies resource allocation to the growing fetus. eLIFE 8: e45282.


Lee CQR, Bailey A, Lopez-Tello J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Okkenhaug K, Moffett A, Hemberger M, Rossant J (2019) Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase signaling promotes the stem cell state of trophoblast. Stem Cells 37:1307-1318


Zhang Y, Zhao W, Xu H, Hu M, Guo X, Jia W, Liu G, Li J, Cui P, Lager SM, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Li W, Wu X, Brännström M, Shao LR, Billig H (2019) Mechanisms of PCOS-induced fetal loss: evidence for placental mitochondrial abnormalities and elevated ROS production in PCOS-like pregnant rats.  J Physiology 597:3927-3950.


Sandovici I, Georgopoulou A, Hufnagel AS, Schiefer SN, Santos F, Hoelle K, Lam BYH, Yeo GSH, Burling K, López-Tello J, Reiterer M, Fowden AL, Burton GJ, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Branco CM, Constância M (2019) Fetus-derived IGF2 matches placental development to fetal demand. Available on Bioarchives:


De Clercq K, Persoons E, Napso T, Luyten C, Parac-Vogt TN, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Kerckhofs G and Vriens J  (2019) Simultaneous 3D morphological analysis of the mature murine placenta and its vasculature using contrast enhanced microCT. PNAS 116(28):13927-13936.  


Hu M, Zhang Y, Guo X, Jia W, Liu G, Zhang J, Li J, Cui P, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Han Y, Wu X, Ma H, Brännström M, Shao LR and Billig H (2019) Hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance induce gravid uterine defects in association with mitochondrial dysfunction and aberrant ROS production. American Journal of Physiology Endocrino​logy and Metabolism 316:E794-E809. 


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Higgins J, Vaughan OR, Murray AJ, Fowden AL (2019) Placental mitochondria adapt developmentally and in response to hypoxia to support fetal growth. PNAS 116(5):1621-1626.


Lopez-Tello J, Jimenez-Martinez MA. Herrera E, Krause B*, Sferruzzi-Perri AN* (2018) Progressive uterine artery occlusion in the guinea pig leads to defects in placental structure that relate to fetal growth. Placenta 72-73:36-40. *joint last author.


Napso T*, Yong HEJ*, Lopez-Tello J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2018). The role of placental hormones in mediating maternal adaptations to support pregnancy and lactation. Frontiers in Physiology. 9:1091. *Joint first author.


Camm EJ, Botting KJ, Sferruzzi-Perri AN Near to one’s heart: the intimate relationship between the placenta and fetal heart. Invited Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 9:629.


Nuzzo AM*, Camm EJ*, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Ashmore TJ, Yung HW, Spiroski AM, Sutherland MR, Logan A, Austin-Williams S, Burton GJ, Rolfo A, Todros T, Murphy MP, Giussani DA (2018) Placental adaptation to early-onset hypoxic pregnancy and mitochondria-targeted antioxidant therapy in the rat. American Journal of Pathology. 188:2704-2716. *joint first author.


Balmas E, Rana B, Hamilton RS, Shreeve N, Kieckbusch J, Aye I, Hawkes DA, Trotter S, López-Tello J, Yong H, Valenti S, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Gaccioli F, McKenzie ANJ, Colucci F (2018) Maternal group 2 innate lymphoid cells control fetal growth and protect from endotoxin-induced abortion in mice. Available online on Bioarchive server:


Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2018) Balancing needs; Exploring the role of IGF2 signalling in materno-fetal resource allocation. Invited Review. Placenta, 64 Suppl 1:S16-S22.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN Assessment of placental transport function in studies of disease programming (2018). Invited Review. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1735:239-250.


Kwok A, Zvetkova I, Virtue S, Huang-Doran I, Tomlinson P, Bulger A, Hart D, Knox R, Franks S, Voschol P,  Vidal-Puig A, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Jensen J, O’Rahilly S, Semple R (2017) C-terminal truncation of Pik3r1 in mice models human lipodystrophic insulin resistance uncoupled from dyslipidemia. Available online on Bioarchive server:


Decato BE, Lopez-Tello J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Smith AD, Dean MD (2017) DNA methylation divergence and tissue specialization in the developing mouse placenta, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34(7):1702-1712.


Musial B, Vaughan OR, Ozanne SE, Fowden AL, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2017) A diet high in sugar and fat causes glucose intolerance and fat deposition in the mother with consequences for feto-placental growth in mice. Journal of Physiology, 595(14):4875-4892.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Sandovici I, Constancia M, Fowden AL (2017) Placental phenotype and the insulin-like growth factors: resource allocation to fetal growth. Invited review. Journal of Physiology, 595(15):5057-5093


Fernandez-Twinn D, Gascoin G, Musial B, Carr S, Duque-Guimaraes D, Blackmore H, Zahra M Alfaradhi, Loche E, Ferland-McCollough D, Bushell M, Sferuzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL, Ozanne SE (2017) Exercise rescues obese mothers' insulin sensitivity, placental function and her offsprings' insulin sensitivity. Scientific Reports, 14;7:44650.


Nadkarni S,Smith J, Machado I, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Kishore M Hass R, Mauro C, Williams D, Farsky S, Marelli-Berg F, Perretti M (2016) Neutrophils induce pro-angiogenic T cells with a regulatory phenotype in pregnancy. PNAS, 113(52):E8415-E8424.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Lopez-Tello J, Fowden AL, Constancia M (2016) Maternal and fetal genomes interplay through phosphoinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)-p110a signalling to modify placental resource allocationPNAS, 113(40):11255-11260.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Camm EJ (2016) The programming power of the placenta. Frontiers in Physiology, 7:33.


Boulenouar B*, Doisne J-M*, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Gaynor L, Kieckbusch J, Balmas E, Yung HW, Javadzadeh S, Volmer L, Hawkes DA, Phillips K, Brady H, Fowden AL, Burton GJ, Moffett A, Colucci F (2015) NFIL3-dependent natural killer cells mediate maternal adaptations to pregnancy, placental development and fetal growth. Frontiers in Immunology, 7:43.
* joint first author.


Musial B, Fernandez-Twinn, Vaughan OR, Ozanne SE, Voshol P, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL (2015)  Proximity to delivery alters insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism in pregnant mice. Diabetes, 65(4):851-60


Higgins JS, Vaughan OR, Fernandez De Liger E, Fowden AL, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2015) Placental phenotype and resource allocation to fetal growth are modified by the timing and degree of hypoxia during mouse pregnancy. Journal of Physiology, 594:1341-56.


Ito M, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Edwards CA, Adalsteinsson BT, Allen SE, Loo TH, Kitazawa M, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F, Stewart CL, Ferguson-Smith AC (2015) A trans-homologue interaction between reciprocally imprinted miR-127 and Rtl1 regulates placenta development. Development 142(14):2425-30.


Standen P, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Taylor R, Heinemann G, Zhang JV, Highet AR, Pringle KG, Owens JA, Kumarasamy V, Lumbers ER, Roberts CT (2015) Maternal insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 differentially affect the renin-angiotensin system during pregnancy in the guinea pig. Growth Hormone and IGF Research, 25(3):141-7.


Skeffington KL, Higgins JS, Mahmoud AD, Evans AM, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL, Yung HW, Burton GJ, Giussani DA, Moore LG (2015) Hypoxia, AMPK activation and uterine artery vasoreactivity. Journal of Physiology, 594(5):1357-69.


Vaughan OR, Phillips HM, Everden AJ, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL (2015) Dexamethasone treatment of pregnant F0 mice leads to parent of origin-specific changes in placental function of the F2 generation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 27:704-711.


Vaughan OR, Fisher HM, Dionelis KN, Jefferies EC, Higgins JS, Musial B, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL (2015) Corticosterone alters materno-fetal glucose partitioning and insulin signalling in pregnant mice. Journal of Physiology, 593(5):1307-21.


Fowden AL, Forhead AJ, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Burton GJ, Vaughan, OR (2015) Endocrine regulation of placental phenotype. Placenta, 36 Suppl 1:S50-9.


Vaughan OR, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Coan PM, Fowden AL (2013) Adaptations in placental phenotype depend on timing and route of maternal dexamethasone administration in mice. Biology of Reproduction, 89: 1-12.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Vaughan OR, Haro M, Cooper WN, Musial B, Charalambous M, Pestana D, Ayyar S, Ferguson-Smith AC, Burton GJ, Constancia M, Fowden AL (2013) An obesogenic diet modifies nutrient partitioning and fetal growth trajectory. FASEB J 27(10):3928-37.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Vaughan OR, Forhead AJ, Fowden AL (2013) Hormonal and nutritional drivers of intrauterine growth. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 16(3):298-309.


Vaughan OR, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Fowden AL (2012) Maternal corticosterone regulates nutrient allocation to fetal growth in mice. Journal of Physiology, 590:5529-40.


Vaughan OR, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Coan PM, Fowden AL (2011) Environmental regulation of placental phenotype: implications for fetal growth. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 24(1):80-96.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Owens JA, Pringle KG, Roberts CT (2011) The neglected role of maternal endocrine insulin-like growth factors in regulating fetal growth. Invited Review. Journal of Physiology, 589(Pt 1):7-20.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Vaughan OR, Coan PM, Suciu MC, Darbyshire R, Constancia M, Burton GJ, Fowden AL (2011) Placental-specific Igf2 deficiency alters developmental adaptations to undernutrition in mice. Endocrinology, 52(8):3202-12.


Pringle, KG, Kind KL, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Thompson J, Roberts CT (2009) Beyond Oxygen: Complex Regulation and Activity of HIFs in Pregnancy. Human Reproduction Update, 16(4):415-31.


Fowden AL, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Coan PM, Constancia M, Burton GJ (2009) Placental efficiency and adaptation: endocrine regulation. Journal of Physiology, 587(Pt 14):3459-72.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Macpherson AM, Roberts CT, Robertson SA (2009) GM-CSF regulates trophoblast glycogen cell and giant cell differentiation in placental morphogenesis. Biology of Reproduction, 81(1):207-21.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Owens JA, Standen P, Roberts CT (2008) Maternal insulin-like growth factor-II promotes placental functional development and fetal growth via the type 2 IGF receptor in guinea pigs. Placenta 29:347-55.


Roberts CT, Owens JA, Sferruzzi-Perri AN (2007) Distinct actions of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) on placental development and fetal growth. Placenta, 29 Suppl A:S42-7.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Owens JA, Standen P, Taylor RL, Robinson JS, Roberts CT (2007) Early pregnancy maternal endocrine IGF-I programs the placenta for increased functional capacity throughout gestation. Endocrinology, 148(9):4362-70.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Owens JA, Standen P, Taylor RL, Heinemann GK, Robinson JS, Roberts CT (2006) Early treatment of the pregnant guinea pig with IGFs promotes placental transport and nutrient partitioning near term. American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, 292: E668-E676.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Owens JA, Pringle KG, Robinson JS, Roberts CT (2006) Maternal insulin-like growth factor-I and –II act via different pathways to promote fetal growth. Endocrinology, 147(7):3344-3355.


Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Robertson SA, Dent LA (2003) Interleukin-5 transgene expression and eosinophilia are associated with retarded mammary gland development in mice. Biology of Reproduction, 69:224-233

Contributions to Compiled Published Volumes

Adaptation of the placenta during pathological pregnancies: the role of the vascular and nutrient transport systems (2016) Frontiers in Physiology, Vascular Physiology. Edited by AN Sferruzzi-Perri and CA Escudero.


Giussani DA, Bennet L, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Vaughan OR, Fowden AL (2015) Hypoxia, Fetal & Neonatal Physiology: 100 years on from Sir Joseph Barcroft. J Physiol, 594(5):1105-11.


Bianco-Miotto T, Blundall C, Buckberry S, Chamley L, Chong S, Cottrell E, Dawson P, Hanna C, Holland O, Lewis RM, Moritz K, Myatt L, Perkins AV, Powell T, Saffery R, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Sibley C, Simmons D, O’Tierney-Ginn PF (2015) IFPA Meeting 2015 Workshop Report I: placental mitochondrial function, transport systems and epigenetics. Placenta, pii: S0143-4004(15)30095-3.


The Placenta and Human Developmental Programming (2010). Published by Cambridge Medicine. Edited by G.J Burton, D.J.P. Barker, A. Moffett and K Thornburg. *Contribution: Discussant


Lash GE, Burton GJ, Chamley LW, Clifton VL, Constancia M, Crocker IP, Dantzer V, Desoye G, Drewlo S, Hemmings DG, Hiendleder S, Kalionis B, Keelan JA, Kudo Y, Lewis RM, Manuelpillai U, Murthi P, Natale D, Pfarrer C, Robertson R, Saffery R, Saito S, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Sobrevia L, Waddell BJ, Roberts CT (2010) IFPA Meeting 2009 Workshops Report. Placenta, 31: S4-20.


Roberts CT, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Kind KL, Robinson JS and Owens JA (2005) Placental perturbations and pregnancy outcome: a common thread. Workshop on Comparative Placentology Havemeyer Foundation Monograph Series17:54.