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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


Current lab members



Tina Napso (Marie Curie Postdoc Fellow)





Hannah Yong (A*Star Postdoc Fellow)




 Jorge Lopez-Tello (Royal Society International Postdoc Fellow)





Bethany Aykroyd (PhD student commenced 2017)





Efthimia Christoforou (PhD student commenced 2017)

Janne Rozemarijn Smit (Masters student)

Phoebe Wilsmore (Wellcome Trust-funded rotation student)

Lydia Michaelides (Part 2 student)

Jessie Shea (Part 2 student)

Louisa Richards (Part 2 student) 


Previous lab members

Barbara Musial (PhD student now Scientific Officer at MedImmune)

Josephine Higgins (PhD student now ‎Scientific Officer at RXCELERATE LIMITED)

Sidebar items


summer 2018.4.JPG

From left to right: Bethany Aykroyd (MPhil/PhD student), Imogen Grant (Part 2 student), Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri (Lab head), Jorge Lopez-Tello (Postdoc), Hannah Yong (Postdoc), Becky Boyland (Part 2 student) and Tina Napso (Postdoc


Above: Josephine Higgins (PhD student), Abigail Fowden (collaborator), Barbara Musial (PhD student) and Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri at the 2014 PDN Graduate Symposium.