My research focuses on exploring the interactions between the proton channels and calcium pumps in the cell membrane of snail neurones, using ion-sensitive fluorescent indicators and microelectrodes.
Dr Christof Schwiening
Thomas RC, (2013), Calcium content of the endoplasmic reticulum of snail neurones releasable by caffeine, Cell Calcium, 53, 120– 124
Thomas RC, (2011), The Ca(2+):H(+) coupling ratio of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase in neurones is little sensitive to changes in external or internal pH, Cell Calcium, 49(6):357-64
Thomas RC, (2009), The plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) of neurones is electroneutral and exchanges 2 H+ for each Ca2+ or Ba2+ ion extruded, J Physiol, 587.2 315–327
Thomas RC, Postma M, (2007), Dynamic and static calcium gradients inside large snail (Helix aspersa) neurones detected with calcium-sensitive microelectrodes, Cell Calcium, 41 365–378
Thomas RC, (2002), The effects of HCl and CaCl2 injections on intracellular calcium and pH in voltage-clamped snail (Helix aspersa) neurons, J gen Physiol, 120; 567-579
Kennedy HJ, Thomas RC, (1996), Effects of injecting calcium-buffer solutions on Ca[2+]i in voltage-clamped snail neurons, Biophys. J. 70, 2120-2130
Schwiening CJ, Kennedy HJ, Thomas RC, (1993), Calcium-hydrogen exchange by the plasma membrane Ca-ATPase of voltage-clamped snail neurons, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 253, 285-289
Thomas RC, (1984), Review Lecture: Experimental displacement of intracellular pH and the mechanism of its subsequent recovery, J Physiol, 354, 3P‑22P
Thomas RC, Meech RW, (1982), Hydrogen ion currents and intracellular pH in depolarized voltage‑clamped snail neurones, Nature, 299, 826‑828
Thomas RC, (1977), The role of bicarbonate, chloride and sodium ions in the regulation of intracellular pH in snail neurones, J Physiol, 273, 317‑338
Thomas RC, (1976), Ionic mechanism of the H+ pump in a snail neurone, Nature, 262, 54‑55
Thomas RC, (1974), Intracellular pH of snail neurones measured with a new pH‑sensitive glass microelectrode, J Physiol, 238, 159‑180
Teaching and Supervisions
Homeostasis lectures and practicals, 1B Physiology practicals, Part II Cell Physiology module.