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Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


We have identified the following key areas where we can improve ED&I in PDN

1. Recruitment & Hiring

We have two current goals:

  1. Encourage and welcome applications for jobs and studentships in PDN from diverse groups of applicants
  2. Ensure that all new members of PDN understand the importance of ED&I in our workplace, from the point of interview

2. ED&I Training

Our primary goal is to ensure that all current members of PDN understand the importance of ED&I in our workplace. Therefore, we advocate:

  1. 100% completion of ED&I training and Unconscious bias training for PDN staff and students
  2. Provision of additional training and workshops on specific aspects of ED&I

3. Culture, Belonging & Retention

Our primary goal is to ensure that all members of PDN are treated equally and have a sense of belonging in PDN:

  1. We have a zero tolerance  policy for any form of discrimination.
  2. We aim to promote inclusivity in all aspects of work and  life in PDN

4. Undergraduate teaching

We aspire to improve ED&I in our undergraduate teaching, by raising awareness of the importance and value of diversity in academic teaching and research, and by promoting a culture of inclusivity.